I’ve Come Back from Worse



This episode is a report from deep inside the limbic system of the brain.  Also known as the paleomammalian cortex (if you want to get fancy), or the emotional brain.  Perhaps you’ve been there before? 

I’m calling it ‘I’ve Come Back from Worse’, because shit has been going down in my world.  Yours too? If so, how about something you can hang on your wall to acknowledge that?  The phrase “I’ve come back from worse” has earned a reputation in my family, and my niece has created this tea saucer and sends them out into the hurting world from her shop in Peterborough, Ontario.

Pondercastronauts get a 10% discount!

Type in the code IVECOMEBACKFROMWORSE and you can join this illustrious club of survivors – shop here.

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You will also hear about a program I took called The Grief Recovery Method.  Here’s a link to find out more about that

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If you are looking for grief support, contact me (laurie@pondercast.ca) and I’ll put you in touch with someone who can guide you through the course. 

Phew!  Lots of big stuff happening.  And…life goes on.  May you be well.  Look out for the ice.

Xo Laurie, Ty and Joshua