Ponderbeat 08


ponderbeat 08


Time for the quarterly music episode that Killbeat Music and Pondercast collaborate on.

You will hear some recently released tracks..and some from albums that are yet to be released. I hope you find something you love - a new artist for you to discover. Because we all need more music to love.

Gord Downie - Away Is Mine

Luka Kuplowsky - Do I Have to Be

Braids - Here 4 U

Steven Wilson - KING GHOST

LAL - End of This World Together

Yves Jarvis - Emblem

Edwin Raphael - Mild Sanity (feat Juletta)

The Weather Station - Robber

Charles Spearin, Josefin Runsteen - Breathing With You, With Me

Matthew Cardinal - May 7th

Ears up!


Want more tunes?

Checkout these other Ponderbeat episodes.